What are the right ways to do yoga meditation? Check this out Now

Meditation and Yoga

In the noisy world, every individual seeking peace and wisdom. However, nothing in this world is easy to achieve, not even a peace. At this moment you need to connect with your inner self to attain peace. Is it easy to attain peace of mind? How can we connect with the inner self? Well, ‘yoga meditation’ is the answer to all the questions.

Many people around the world, whether a teacher, a professional, or a famous personality like Nicole Lenz, encourage everyone to include yoga meditation in daily life. However, meditation is helpful only if we do it in a correct manner. So, let’s check out the steps to do yoga meditation.

Here are the steps to do yoga meditation

A Meditative Environment

a) Choose a Quiet Environment

The location you select should be peaceful. If the surroundings are noisy, a practitioner might get distracted. Experts prefer noise free surroundings for meditation. Furthermore, they say, perfect locations are either free from machinery and technology and where a lot of natural light and fresh air can consume instead of electrical lighting.

b) Time your Meditations sessions around your meal

Full stomach during meditation make you feel drowsy and if time is close to your meal, the hunger pain may distract you from meditation. Therefore, choose a time when you are comfortable, perhaps a few hours after a meal. Further, do some stretching exercise to warm up your body, as it helps you to sit for a longer period of time.

Performing Poses suited to Meditation

a) Sit Upright and Practice deep breathing

You can sit anywhere that allows good posture and comfort to focus on meditation. Now, get ready for the breathing exercise. Deep breathing is the best way to ease mind, body, and soul, as well as improve concentration. The Nadi Shodhan Pranayama – a particular breathing technique – involves alternating nostrils in the manner below:

  1. Place your middle and index finger between your eyes, and other fingers around your nose. The thumb will be on your right nostril.
  2. Now, breathe deeply into the left nostril while closing the right nostril.
  3. Alternate pressure, and exhale out of the right nostril

b) Try Ujjayi Breathing

The practice of Ujjayi breathing is long and smooth. According to most health advocates, it is good for giving you energy and making you feel calm. Try out its techniques:

  1. Sit cross-legged on the floor.
  2. Try to relax and visualize that you are taking long, slow breaths inward through a straw.
  3. Exhale slowly, as though through the same straw.
  4. Make the breath as long and as smooth as possible.


Focus on the Body, Mind, and Soul

a) Dissolve Away Distractions

In everyday life an individual face so many distractions and worries. Therefore, the first part of meditation allows you to recognize the distractions of your life, this is how you will easily remove exterior distractions when you begin to focus.

b) Reflect on your body

Slowly direct your attention to the inside and move through each part of your body. Take a look of each body part as you move along. Be aware of your various senses i.e taste, smell, sight. Notice if you have any pain or stress.

c) Discipline your Mind to focus on a singular object

According to fitness experts like Nicole Lenz, to attain a higher level of concentration while meditating follow what is called the “Four Functions of Mind”:

  1. Observe your mind and its impressions, discriminations, and judgments.
  2. Accept the various observations whether they are positive or negative.
  3. Instruct your mind to choose the object of focus like a dot on a sheet of paper, the center point of tile, the design in a floorboard, etc.

d) Open your Eyes Slowly

At the end of the meditation, make small moments while opening eyes to bring back to attention to the body. To end the yoga meditation sessions, you can use the technique like

  1. You can lightly ball your fists a few times.
  2. Try flex your calf muscles.

Try yoga meditation in everyday life and feel the difference!

Source By: Nicole Lenz

stress relief

Hello…. “How You Can Relieve Stress”

Stress Relieve

What is “Natural” Breathing?

Correct, simple natural breathing should look like this:

Breathe in and the navel point moves out.  Breathe out and the navel point moves in. Use the nose to filter the air and exhale completely.

Nicole Lenz: Many people have incorrectly learned to breathe and inhale by drawing the belly in.  This actually makes less space for air in the lungs rather than more.  This is key.  In fact, it may be the single most important thing you learn in all of Kundalini yoga.  How to breathe properly changes everything.

Another common breathing mistake is shallow, erratic breathing done all in the upper chest.  Breathing correctly and deeply in your day-to-day life changes the amount of energy have in reserve to manage emergencies.  It is also the easiest path to the development of higher consciousness.  Shallow breathing is caused by stress and its continued state weakens our nervous system, making an environment ripe for illness.  Emotionally, trauma gets stored in our muscular system and proper breathing allows its release.  It’s a way of removing the body armor we build up to shield ourselves from trauma, which left alone stiffens both the body and the heart.  Correct breathing increases the flow of prana, so you feel increased vitality and a general sense of well-being.

Breathe Frequency


If we can lower the frequency at which we breathe, great things can happen.  Normally men breathe at a rate of 16-18 cycles a minute; women breathe at 18-20 cycles per minute.  Now if we can lower that to 8 cycles a minute (a cycle includes a full inhale and exhale), we will feel much more relaxed.  Stress will begin to melt and mental acuity sharpens as the parasympathetic nervous system is engaged.  If we can reduce our breathing further to 4 cycles a minute, we will experience a feeling of greater awareness, clarity, and sensitivity.  At this point, the pituitary and pineal glands coordinate to produce a heightened meditative state.  If you can make it all the way to 1 cycle per minute, called One Minute Breath, some pretty amazing things start to happen.  In One Minute Breath, you take 20 seconds to inhale, hold for 20 seconds and then exhale for 20 seconds.  Try this three times, for three full minutes. This stimulates the best cooperation between the brain hemispheres and puts a damper on feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry.  Intuition blossoms, as does a feeling of unification with all.

Source By: Nicole Lenz

How to Lose Weight Effectively by Nicole Lenz

Lose Weight

Lose Weight Effectively

Do you want to drop some pounds? And do not know how to do it safely or without spending a bit of money. If so you are at right place. In this article, Nicole Lenz a model and an actress has shared some effective tips for losing weight. Losing weight is disappointing for most of the girls. However, in reality, it can be a simple and easy process. No matter how hard you have tried earlier. Following the tips in this article will really help you. You just need to make some changes in your daily routine and you will notice how easily you have started losing weight.

Here are some tips on how to lose weight effectively:

7 to 8 hours of sleep every day

Sleep is really important. Good sleep every day can burn out fat and carry you a virtuous mood to deal with frequent exercise better. Models actually have fast job schedule, therefore sufficient sleep is essential for them.

According to a model, 7-8 hours of sleep help her relax and face the fitness training on the next day. According to Nicole Lenze Ottawa, sleeping is an effective and healthy trick in order to keep you happy and beautiful.

Different daily exercises


Doing different workout every day is the key to lose weight. You should do different exercises for different parts of the body. Some of the exercises such as jogging, kickboxing, and dynamic cycling are good for body parts to require fat consumption.

While pedal exercise, yoga, trot, and Pilates are good to build muscle lines and remodel the body shape as well. So, make a list of exercise according to your body part you want to exercise for and perform exercises daily.

Purify the skin by food

Nicole a health advocate advice to eat the correct food in order to cleanse the body and skin. Actually, if toxins increase in the body the belly will get fatter. Moreover, it also results in dark as well as rough skin. One of the best ways to eliminate the toxins from the body is to drink a cup of milk or either to eat fruits in the morning. Along with this, you can switch to detoxification food such as green tea, fruit vinegar, wax gourd, and yogurt.

Never skip the breakfast

Breakfast is actually important for good health. A healthy breakfast supply energy to the body, so never skip it. Oatmeal is highly recommended. However, you have to control calorie intake like party girls. Fact is, people who retain breakfast routine are half as likely to be overweight as individuals who do not. Therefore, it is actually a silly if you are trying to lose weight by not taking breakfast.

Bottom Lines

Nicole Lenz has given the above tips in hope to help individuals or models to lose their weight. She is a former model and actress who has now turned as health advocate and entrepreneur. Nicole is presently the brand representative for Earth Healthcare.

How Meditation Helps To Keep Heal Your Body

Meditation and Yoga

Nicole Lenz: The healing meditation shows us the causes of issues and strengthens us on our approach. Healing Meditation helps your body to relax and eliminate the negative energy from us, resulting in a healed body with the relaxed mind. Nicole Lenz is a master Kundalini Yoga Teacher and has a unique style of yogic techniques for self-improvement shared interesting ways to heal your body with meditation.

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Visualize higher than yourself an attractive sun, raising each hand to the aspect at head height and suppose many times the mantra “sun.” Let the sunshine of the sun flow down on you and massage it into the body.

Visualize the world below, rub the world along with your feet and think: “I send light-weight to the world. Pray to God for all beings within the world be happy”

Consider what a part of your body wants healing at the moment. Let light-weight flow into it, massage it in a circle and suppose the word “light” as a mantra. By the sunshine massage, you resolve the tensions within the body and change the self-healing.

Visualize the cosmos around you filled with stars, create massive circles along with your arms and suppose inner peace. I take the suffering in my life. I systematically walk my approach to health and healing.”

Visualize before or higher than you God of Healing. Rub your hands before of the center chakra and suppose, “Om of Healing. Om inner knowledge. Please guide and help me with my approach.”

Focus on an area of your body who wants to heal or on a private drawback. What’s the approach to your healing? What does one need to do? What triggers your problem? Thick goodbye to your problem till you’re glad about the result. After you hear no answer, you’re either blocked within, otherwise, you have a nasty contact with your inner voice. The most effective approach then is slowly to induce into thinking over your drawback.

Move a hand, bless all folks with light-weight and suppose, “May all the people that have the identical drawback as I am cured. My drawback is … The approach of healing is …” This will give you the self-confidence to help others to cure their problems.

According to Nicole Lenz, while breathing in Think “Om” and during Breathing out “Shanti”. Stop all different thoughts. Feel calmness, serenity, and peace in you. Stop a moment each thought and move gently your feet. Focus on your feet and progress, till your mind comes fully to rest. Then linger in an exceedingly slight meditation. All thoughts and feelings could return and go as you feel relax.

Source By: Nicole Lenz

How Yoga Benefits Your Daily Life


Nicole Lenz: Yoga is the physical, mental and spiritual practices to keep our body fit and relaxed. It is believed that yoga was developed and practiced around 5000 to 10000 years back in Northern India. The word Yoga is a Sanskrit word and was first mentioned in the Rig Veda, the oldest sacred book of Hindus. It was earlier practiced by Brahmans and Rishis and they have documented their practices in the Upanishads. Yoga gives you numerous health benefits along with spiritual enlighten. When you start practicing yoga in your daily life, you get closer to your well-being, not only physically but mentally too.


You find deep inner peace and divine consciousness in your mind with daily practice. It reveals the uncountable potentials of the human mind and soul. Let’s discuss some benefits of yoga shared by Nicole Lenz Co-Founder of Los Angeles Wellness Spa, Elements Holistic and is certified Yoga Instructor.

Complete Health

Complete Health

Complete Health

Yoga helps you attain all round fitness. It not only help you to be physically fit but also mentally and emotionally balanced. Different posture, breathing, pranayama and meditation techniques assist you to be joyful, loving and enthusiastic in your daily life. Unlike hitting Gym, Yoga supports you achieve complete fitness.

Improves Immunity

Improves Immunity

Improves Immunity

This is the major factor which keeps us away from the diseases. If you have strong immunity power then you won’t fell sick easily. Yoga poses give strength to your muscles and meditation and pranayama release stress from your body and improve our self-defense mechanism.

Weight Loss

weight loss

Close-up of a woman in sportswear measuring her waist

With the daily practice of yoga, our body become more sensitive to what kind of food we are eating and when we are eating. A natural urge developed in the body which keep us away from the unhealthy food and this way we can keep a check on food. Kapal Bhati pranayama is helpful in reducing weight by yoga.

Internal Peace

Internal Peace

Our busy lives and competition in every aspect of life made us more susceptible to stress and anxiety. Regular practice of yoga calms your disturbed mind. You need not go far places in search of peace, you can find right there inside of your mind. Yoga and meditation develop the balanced emotional behavior in humans.

Better Relationships

A mind which is happy, calm, stable and contended can take better decisions. It can also think in a better way to deal with any serious matter of family, friends and loved ones. Yoga helps you to improve your relationships with a positive and clear mind.

Yoga Nicole lenz

Yoga and meditation keep the mind happy and peaceful and result in strengthened the special bond with your close relationships.Yoga is an art, a science which heals you completely. You become more conscious spiritually, mentally and physically. It improves the quality of life. To know more about Yoga tips, meditation, and yoga techniques, you can get in touch with Nicole Lenz.

Source By: Nicole Lenz