How Yoga Benefits Your Daily Life


Nicole Lenz: Yoga is the physical, mental and spiritual practices to keep our body fit and relaxed. It is believed that yoga was developed and practiced around 5000 to 10000 years back in Northern India. The word Yoga is a Sanskrit word and was first mentioned in the Rig Veda, the oldest sacred book of Hindus. It was earlier practiced by Brahmans and Rishis and they have documented their practices in the Upanishads. Yoga gives you numerous health benefits along with spiritual enlighten. When you start practicing yoga in your daily life, you get closer to your well-being, not only physically but mentally too.


You find deep inner peace and divine consciousness in your mind with daily practice. It reveals the uncountable potentials of the human mind and soul. Let’s discuss some benefits of yoga shared by Nicole Lenz Co-Founder of Los Angeles Wellness Spa, Elements Holistic and is certified Yoga Instructor.

Complete Health

Complete Health

Complete Health

Yoga helps you attain all round fitness. It not only help you to be physically fit but also mentally and emotionally balanced. Different posture, breathing, pranayama and meditation techniques assist you to be joyful, loving and enthusiastic in your daily life. Unlike hitting Gym, Yoga supports you achieve complete fitness.

Improves Immunity

Improves Immunity

Improves Immunity

This is the major factor which keeps us away from the diseases. If you have strong immunity power then you won’t fell sick easily. Yoga poses give strength to your muscles and meditation and pranayama release stress from your body and improve our self-defense mechanism.

Weight Loss

weight loss

Close-up of a woman in sportswear measuring her waist

With the daily practice of yoga, our body become more sensitive to what kind of food we are eating and when we are eating. A natural urge developed in the body which keep us away from the unhealthy food and this way we can keep a check on food. Kapal Bhati pranayama is helpful in reducing weight by yoga.

Internal Peace

Internal Peace

Our busy lives and competition in every aspect of life made us more susceptible to stress and anxiety. Regular practice of yoga calms your disturbed mind. You need not go far places in search of peace, you can find right there inside of your mind. Yoga and meditation develop the balanced emotional behavior in humans.

Better Relationships

A mind which is happy, calm, stable and contended can take better decisions. It can also think in a better way to deal with any serious matter of family, friends and loved ones. Yoga helps you to improve your relationships with a positive and clear mind.

Yoga Nicole lenz

Yoga and meditation keep the mind happy and peaceful and result in strengthened the special bond with your close relationships.Yoga is an art, a science which heals you completely. You become more conscious spiritually, mentally and physically. It improves the quality of life. To know more about Yoga tips, meditation, and yoga techniques, you can get in touch with Nicole Lenz.

Source By: Nicole Lenz